7 Business Challenges in Nigeria as Reported by EU Companies

7 Business Challenges in Nigeria as Reported by EU Companies

Nigeria stands as a land of both vast potential and significant challenges for European Union (EU) companies. A recent survey conducted by Commercium Africa in collaboration with the European Business Chamber (EUROCHAM) Nigeria sheds light on the operational hurdles that EU businesses face in this West African nation. 

This groundbreaking study, the first of its kind, maps out the landscape for EU companies active in Nigeria, revealing the economic and infrastructural obstacles that hinder their operations.

The findings underscore the urgency for continued reforms in Nigeria’s business environment. Enhancing the ease of doing business for foreign investors is crucial to boosting Nigeria’s allure as a hub for international trade and investment. Below, we delve into the top seven challenges that EU companies in Nigeria have reported, illustrating the complex environment they navigate.

Regulatory Bottlenecks

Regulatory bottlenecks pose a formidable barrier. The intricate and time-consuming regulatory procedures not only slow down business processes but also escalate costs. This reduces the overall efficiency and competitive advantage of EU companies striving to cut through the bureaucratic red tape.

Security Concerns

Security issues rank is another significant challenge. The unpredictable security landscape, characterized by civil unrest, banditry, kidnapping, and other criminal activities, endangers personnel, operations, and investments. This necessitates increased expenditure on security measures and occasionally leads to business interruptions.

Taxation Issues

The complexities and uncertainties of Nigeria’s tax system place taxation issues as the third most pressing concern. Navigating multiple taxes and regulatory changes has made financial planning and compliance cumbersome and unpredictable for EU businesses.

Infrastructure Deficits

Fourth on the list is Nigeria’s infrastructure gap. Inadequate transportation networks and other infrastructural shortcomings impede the movement of goods and services. This challenge significantly impacts the cost and ease of doing business, presenting a major obstacle for EU companies.

Power Supply Issues

The erratic and often unreliable power supply in Nigeria is a significant operational hurdle for EU businesses. The frequent power outages necessitate the adoption of alternative energy sources, leading to escalated operational costs and reduced productivity. The reliance on expensive backup solutions to ensure uninterrupted operations is a testament to the severity of this challenge.


Corruption is identified as another major challenge, adding layers of complexity and cost to daily business operations. Practices such as bribery and extortion erode trust and amplify the risks of conducting business in Nigeria, presenting a significant obstacle for EU companies.

Foreign Exchange Challenges

Another challenge is the volatility of the Nigerian Naira and difficulties in accessing foreign currency. These issues present a myriad of problems for EU companies involved in international trade or looking to repatriate profits. Identified as the most critical concern, foreign exchange volatility profoundly impacts business operations in Nigeria.

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