How do I create a fear of losing a romantic partner in a woman?

How do I create a fear of losing a romantic partner in a woman?

Oh man, I really would not recommend doing this. This is something that abusers do. Abusers make their partners afraid to lose them.READ FULL ARTICLE>

However, if you want to know how such a thing is accomplished, here are a few ways of making your partner (woman or man) afraid of losing you.

Make them feel completely unworthy of you. Constantly put them down and make them feel like they aren’t and will never be good enough. Make them feel like an unworthy partner and an unworthy person in general. Nothing they do is good enough. Also, they don’t love you enough and aren’t putting enough effort in to make you happy. Make sure you undermine their confidence at every turn. Make sure that they understand that you are the best they will ever have, and if they lose you, they will never be happy again.
Create a sense of fear and unsafety, in order to make your partner trauma-bond with you. When people are in a traumatic and high adrenaline situation, they will naturally bond with the people around them as a coping mechanism. If you create a scary and unsafe environment for your partner, they will feel more bonded with you as a necessary coping mechanism. You can create this environment by lashing out at your partner, either verbally or physically and make sure they feel scared and unsafe. Blame them for your outburst. Make sure they are the one to apologize for your behavior. Make sure they change their behavior in order to try and prevent you from having more outbursts. They will feel guilty, but they will also feel more dependent on you and more like they need you and that they need to be there for you. Some people refer to this sensation as “Stockholm Syndrome” but that is a contested term.
Gaslight your partner. Try to undermine their sense of reality and make them question everything. The more they question whether what you are doing is right, the more you need to make them wonder if they’re going crazy. Deny things that are obviously true, to make them question their sense of truth. Claim that things happened completely differently from how they remember it. Hide things from your partner, either information, or even actual physical objects. Hide them, and then make them question themselves when they can’t remember where they put them. Talk to your friends and their friends and convince everyone else that your partner is the one who is unreasonable. Get everyone on your side against your partner. Make sure they feel like they can’t even trust themselves, and they need you just to make it through the day.
Cut your partner off from all over forms of support, love, friendship, and encouragement. Make sure you are their only confidant; the only person they can talk to; their only source of happiness or support. Strongly discourage your partner from having friends, or even forbid them from having friendships if you can get away with it. Try to drive a wedge in between their other relationships. Get angry when they talk to or reach out to other people, even their own family. Make sure you are the only person that they feel like they can go to for support. This will make them even more dependent on you.

So, there you go. There are a few ways to make a person afraid of losing you. I wouldn’t recommend any of them. Are they useful?

Not really. First of all, it won’t work on a lot of people. Anyone with a strong sense of self, or good self-esteem or confidence will be immediately put off by this behavior and will run for the hills. Also, anyone with experience in abuse will see the warning signs for what they are. Even if you manage to get a person to become fully dependent on you and terrified of losing you, the more this behavior escalates, the more likely they will eventually try to escape, even if they’re completely terrified by the idea. Sure, they’re a completely broken person at that point, but they may still try to salvage the pieces of their broken life and put you behind them as a nightmare that will never be forgotten.

If you would like to be with someone, while in a healthy relationship, you will need to understand that great relationships aren’t built by making your partner afraid to leave you, they are built by being a really awesome partner with great relationship skills that your partner doesn’t want to leave.READ FULL ARTICLE>

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