Let’s Talk: Harnessing untapped niche markets

Let’s Talk: Harnessing untapped niche markets

In a world where competition is fierce, exploring untapped niche markets can be the key to discovering new avenues for growth and success.

These niche markets, often overlooked or underestimated, hold immense potential for businesses and entrepreneurs willing to think outside the box. In this discussion, we will delve into the strategies and insights that can help unlock these hidden opportunities.

Join us as we uncover the secrets to identifying, understanding, and capitalizing on untapped niche markets, opening doors to innovation, profitability, and sustainable growth, in this week’s episode of Let’s Talk.

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Emma Lo Russo, Co-Founder and CEO of Digivizer

Emma Lo Russo, Co-Founder and CEO of Digivizer

“Understanding how your brand is building in niche markets is never going to be one marketing campaign.

“So the way to break through is to have very good targeting, involving a mix of media channels and content types. In new markets, building a sense of trust will also take time. Defining a tight target audience and adding multiple touch points can help you position your business in that market in a way that makes you look bigger than you might be in reality. And it’s better to double down on a defined audience than try to be everywhere, be too light, and touch too few people too infrequently.

“Everything in digital marketing starts with a hypothesis. Niche markets are no exception. Using data to define your digital marketing strategy, and to measure performance and progress, maximizes the leverage that digital marketing delivers to new revenues.

Pick regions and markets, and test different customer segments.

Test the reaction of the audiences you’ve targeted.

Discover the messages that resonate.

Continually run test-learn-improve models, using real-time data that inform the next decisions you need to make.”

Palash Nandy, CEO, Legrand Australia and New Zealand

Palash Nandy, CEO, Legrand Australia and New Zealand

“In today’s world PEOPLE are the biggest differentiator amongst organisations. If a business, whether it’s a global corporate or a small enterprise, wants to build sustainable differentiation in any industry, then the number one focus must be on people. If people are well trained, well skilled, if they have the right motivation, the can do will do attitude, that is what is going to differentiate a business from their friends (or competitors).

“At Legrand, our core purpose is Improving Lives – not just the lives of our customers by producing meaningful solutions but by also creating a workplace that is geared towards improving the lives of our people. We invest a lot of resources to ensure our people continue to learn, develop and grow. We pride ourselves on empowering our people to innovate, unlocking their wealth of ideas to find smart solutions for our customers.

“Our people truly embody Legrand’s brand purpose – that’s a powerful advantage and something we are proud of. Our people provide Legrand with a competitive edge in the market and open up new opportunities – whether that’s R&D and new product development, acquiring new partners or reaching new customers.”

Dhanush Ganglani, Managing Director, Eden Exchange

Dhanush Ganglani, Managing Director, Eden Exchange

“Entrepreneurs can discover new opportunities in niche markets in three key ways:

Embracing technology and innovation: The franchising industry in Australia has shifted its focus towards innovation and advanced systems, enabling businesses to simplify operations and maximise profitability.

Exploring regional areas: With the rise of remote working and migration to regional areas, service gaps emerge, presenting commercial prospects for businesses seeking expansion. By venturing into regional communities, businesses can contribute to economic growth whilst catering to the specific needs of local residents.

Catering to changing demographics: The achievement of gender parity within the franchising industry also opens up exciting opportunities for businesses to tap into new markets. More women with increased purchasing power are entering the franchising landscape, creating a broader customer base. Businesses should infuse fairness into their operations and foster mutually beneficial relationships with franchisees.

“Also, by leveraging support networks offered by franchisors, such as recruitment, marketing and supply chain management, businesses can mitigate risks and share costs whilst expanding into niche markets. And when it comes to navigating these opportunities, they can seek guidance from platforms like Eden Exchange. These platforms provide expert support and utilise AI-driven technology to unlock untapped potential, assist in market understanding and adapt offerings to meet the needs of specific niche markets.”

Mona Lolas, Principal and Executive Advisor, PartnerReady

Mona Lolas, Principal and Executive Advisor, PartnerReady

“Now, more than ever, getting your product to market quickly and efficiently is mission-critical. Getting distribution and reach in niche markets is a crucial need for any company.

“As businesses adapt to new ways of operating following the pandemic, their expectations for growth are continuing to evolve. Many B2Bs are optimizing and scaling their business models to gain efficiencies and transform their companies by creating new revenue streams that help them achieve their business goals and objectives quickly.

“You can find new opportunities in niche markets by partnering with other companies. Partnerships can help you reach new customers, expand into new markets, and gain access to new resources. When choosing partners, it is important to find companies that have complementary products or services, and that share your target market.

“Strategic partnerships: Prioritise your partnerships based on their strategic importance, sales growth, and potential for building a marketplace. Don’t just create partnerships – define them.

“Build trust & mutual success: Building partnerships is a strategic, repeatable, and mechanical process akin to crafting a sales strategy. Remember, successful partnerships are built on trust and shared success. A partner ecosystem can generate customer-ready solutions and accelerate time to market.”

Walter Scremin, CEO, Ontime Delivery Solutions

Walter Scremin, CEO, Ontime Delivery Solutions

“Finding the right niche market can be incredibly powerful for your business, and the first important steps are to ensure your offer, your marketing, and your benefit resonates with this market.

“Tailor your message to address the specific problems faced by this niche. It’s critical to listen. Focus on what’s in it for them, your future clients.

“Some offers will be universally powerful, such as the ability to save your clients costs by improving efficiency. This is something which resonates strongly in my area of delivery transport. But for some niche markets, it’s not just about cost.

“Reliability can be a factor, as can speed of delivery, or innovation. By starting conversations in the niche you are targeting, you will learn about the problems which need to be solved. From there it’s about winning that first client, being prepared to start small and proving yourself first. Once you have some runs on the board it’s easier to demonstrate your value and win more business in your niche market.”

Michael Haynes, SME Business Growth Specialist and Founder of The Legacy SME B2B Community

Michael Haynes, SME Business Growth Specialist and Founder of The Legacy SME B2B Community

“In a B2B context there are a few key things that should be done to find new opportunities in niche markets:

Analyse your current and previous clients

Look to see where your company has had “wins” such as:

Obtained a large contract

Significant cross sells and upsells

Clients who are big advocates

Are there patterns as to where you have had such success?

Conduct market research to identify unmet needs. Sources to conduct this market listening include:

Market research Reports: e.g Gartner, Forrester, IBIS World

Consulting Firm Reports: many of the big firms produce detailed industry studies covering trends and outlook

“Once you have identified some potential niche areas be sure then to identify the relevant industry and professional associations. Sources that you want to tap into include:

Research reports and publications


Events e.g Roundtables, Panels, Summits-they are not only a great source of insights but will provide the opportunity to meet decision makers from potential prospect companies that you can then speak with to understand their needs, priorities and pain points which could be future clients.”

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