Destiny 2
I have been on a bit of a criticism streak with Destiny 2 lately, as I tend to get into those every so often. So I thought I would zoom out and focus on something positive, a look back at the best changes and additions that Destiny 2 has made over time.
Bungie, even though it might be a meme, really does listen to player feedback and implement loads of it, even if it takes awhile, or of course comes up with good ideas on their own. I an not going to rank these from 1-10 as that’s a bit hard, but here are my favorite changes the series has made in time.
1. Transmog – It’s a little hard to think about the days before transmog, where you would constantly have to wear random crap in order to ensure your stats were correct. Transmog changed everything, even though I still have issues with using it as a microtransaction and a seasonal cap you must grind out, compared to other games which offer it for free. But its addition overall was an absolute must.
Destiny 2
2. Loadouts – Similarly, you may have issues with Lightfall, but the arrival of loadouts you can save and easily switch to within the game, not a third party app, has been gamechanging. It is now far, far easier for players to experiment with diverse builds for all modes, across all elements. I’d argue this is one of the best additions in Destiny history.
3. Infinite Primary Ammo – This was honestly something that didn’t often cross my mind as primary ammo was generally available enough beforehand, and yet once infinite primary ammo arrived, it was the change I never knew I needed, and it would be impossible to go back now.
Destiny 2
4. Exotic Primary Red Bar Damage – While yes, we may be in a double special meta to some extent now, I’d argue one of the best exotic-based changes ever was the 40% damage increase to red bars which made loads of weapons viable, often over their special and heavy counterparts. Granted, the cost of this was devaluing legendary primaries, but it was still a great change.
5. Blue Death – I fought this battle for literally years, and at long last, Bungie finally changed it so Blues no longer drop after the soft cap, which is easy to reach, meaning no constant dismantling on your character or pushing things out of the postmaster as it fills up with just a few activities. My personal pick for one of the best changes ever, given how long I (and others) fought for it.
Destiny 2
6. Reverting Launch Gear Issues – What I mean by this one is essentially undoing every gear-based decision made with launch Destiny 2. Weapons with fixed perks only, which seems insane now. Armor that did almost nothing. Snipers and shotguns in the heavy slot. Just wild times where it’s hard to believe those decisions were ever made in the first place, but mercifully they were eventually undone, and the system has evolved into the much better version we have today.
7. Seasonal Mods As Perks – This was a seemingly minor but actually huge change that freed up seasonal mods for armor for greater build diversity, and before that, they were taking up weapon mod slots as well. This was something the community asked for pretty plainly, and Bungie delivered.
Destiny 2
8. Permanent, Free Shaders – Again, one of those ideas that seemed both baffling at the time and now in hindsight. Consumable shaders? Running activities to get more copies of shaders? What? Eventually this was changed to pulling shaders from Collections from a cost, but then shaders just became permanent, free, easily switchable unlocks that was clearly the way it should have been in the first place.
9. No More Umbrals – Perhaps not the highest priority on this list, but there was a point where Umbrals got to be nearly as annoying as blues, taking up your engram slots all the time and forcing you to delete them or focus them when you didn’t even want to. The new system of allowing vendors to stockpile their individual engrams themselves is miles better.
Destiny 2
10. The Armor Mod System – This was an underrated change that improved buildcrafting probably more than anything else in the game, altering armor that was rolling with perks you couldn’t change. We’ve gone through two major overhauls of the armor system now, and the most recent change also eliminated armor elemental affinity, a lingering problem hampering build diversity. Armor needs a bit more work to become an interesting form of loot, but the mod system is great.
Those are mine, what about yours?
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