With the re-release culture gaining popularity in Tamil Nadu, Ajith Kumar’s films are set to join this race now. We all know that ‘Ghilli’, Thalapathy Vijay’s 2004 industry hit, had its second release a week ago. There are plans to re-release ‘Kushi’ and ‘Indian’ following its box-office success.
Ajith Kumar’s blockbuster 50th film ‘Mankatha’ was announced to hit the screens again on his birthday, May 1. But reports suggest that ‘Mankatha’ might not re-release in Tamil Nadu as Sun Pictures holds the distribution rights in the state. Now, sources tell us that AK’s classic hits – ‘Billa’ and ‘Dheena’ are preparing for a grand re-release on May 1st.
‘Billa’ is the official remake of Superstar Rahinikanth’s vintage film of the same name. This 2007 film emerged as one of the biggest blockbusters in AK’s career while ‘Dheena’ earned the title ‘Thala’ for the actor. The 2001 film was the debut venture of ace director AR Murugadoss. Meanwhile, we might witness ‘Mankatha’ again on the big screens only if Sun Pictures approves.
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