CS2 Rank Distribution – Percentage of Players in each Tier

CS2 Rank Distribution – Percentage of Players in each Tier

Lots of players want to know where they sit in the CS2 rank distribution, with the ranking system an integral part of the game.

We’re going to show you the average ranks, and how they’re distributed among the player population in 2023. This only covers the ranks from the revamped Premier mode, as data on CS2 Wingman ranks is scarce.

Credit: Daniel Morris

Keep in mind that these numbers are always changing, due to the game still being relatively new. Naturally, a lot of players were initially placed lower than they should be, and are finally working their way back up the CS2 rank distribution.

Gray: 4,999 and below (5%)

Gray ranks in the CS2 rank distribution can be frustrating, especially in solo queue. You’re at the mercy of the matchmaking system, which at this level can result in some truly terrible teammates. It won’t always be their fault, with most new players remaining around the Gray ranks for a little while before graduating.

Players with 4,999 Premier score or below make up around 5% of the CS2 rank distribution. It’s not a big section of the community, signaling how achievable it is for most players to eventually make it out.

Light Blue: 5,000 – 9,999 (32%)

The average CS2 player is usually agreed to be around the Light Blue Premier ranks with between 5,000 and 9,999 ELO. It can be the most difficult to escape as smurf accounts are plentiful. A smurf is a player of higher skill, that purposefully de-ranks themselves in order to easily stomp on worse players. It can result in extremely toxic games, and it’s Light Blue Premier players who usually have to suffer.

If you want to take a look at what the CS2 rank distribution feels like, 5,000 – 9,999 ELO in Premier is a good place to start. It’s where you should start building your knowledge of utility, as it’ll make a huge difference to your game. You might not even realize the benefits, but you’ll start winning more.

Blue: 10,000 – 14,999 (40%)

The Blue Premier ranks are where CS2 players truly begin to get good. With 40% of players sitting between 10,000 and 14,999 ELO, you’re in good company here. Utility becomes essential to any victory, and players really begin to take scalps in the blink of an eye. The nitty-gritty of CS2 becomes crucial, and it can be a challenging step up. We’re approaching the above-average player territory of the CS2 rank distribution here.

Across all of the ranks, 10,000 – 14,999 ELO arguably has the game’s biggest skill curve. The difference between a player who is barely good enough for Gold Nova, and a player in touching distance of Legendary Eagle is enormous. It’ll probably take most players hundreds of hours to push through. In some cases, this gap is worth thousands of hours of play.

Purple: 15,000 – 19,999 (16%)

If you’re a Purple rank in CS2 Premier, you’re sat between 15,000 and 19,999 ELO. Here you’re sat alongside 16% of your fellow players, on the grind all the way to the top. If this is your place in the current CS2 rank distribution, you might find that you’ve got a trick or two up your sleeve, but every so often, there’s a player out there who shows you your place.

Between 15,000 – 19,999 ELO is one of the most exciting ranks to be in CS2. There’s still so much room for improvement, but you won’t feel as though you’re getting wrecked in every single game.

Fuchsia: 20,000 – 24,999 (4%)

If you’re sat in the Fuchsia ranks in CS2, well done, you’re among the best. In CS:GO, you may have even been on the precipice of Global Elite. There’s still a lot that players between 20,000 and 24,999 ELO in Premier can learn about the game, but they can also single-handedly carry most matches by themselves.

With just 4% of players sitting here across the entire CS2 rank distribution, the Fuchsia ranks are for the great players out there. Maybe not ready to go pro yet, but you definitely know your stuff.

Red: 25,000 – 29,999 (3%)

Those currently sat in CS2’s Red Premier ranks are truly among the elite. Here, you can encounter some pros who haven’t quite pushed the 30k barrier yet, as well as veterans who have spent many years with the series. Between 25,000 and 29,999 Premier ELO, you’re going to come across some serious players, but you won’t face them unless you’re quite the player yourself.

The CS2 rank distribution marks just 3% of players at around this level, and for good reason.

Gold: 30,000 and above (0.0001%)

Players in these ranks, sat with over 30,000 Premier score, are the best of the best. These CS2 ranks are the promised land, which every player should strive for. At this level, you can mostly find pros and cheaters – there’s no in between.

If you’re among these numbers, well done – you’re in the top 0.0001% of the CS2 rank distribution, or less. It’s no small feat, with CS2 having millions of players worldwide each month. If you’ve conquered Premier, you should even consider moving to FACEIT, where you can get noticed by the pro teams.

CS2 Rank Distribution FAQs

What is the CS2 average rank distribution?

Most agree that the average rank is around the Light Blue and Blue Premier ranks. It’s after this point that matchmaking becomes more difficult, with experienced players beginning to populate games. Some players find it harder to escape from these ranks than others, as it tends to be such a mixed bag in terms of teammates. Some play like bots and others play like pros. It’s certainly a frustrating process to escape from.

How long do ranks in CS2 last?

Unlike CS:GO, you don’t have to keep playing Premier mode to ensure your CS2 ranks remain intact. However, it’s possible that in future seasons of the game, Valve will choose to reset player’s CS2 ranks. Let’s hope not.

Can I see if I’m close to leveling up in CS2?

Yes! You can see your potential ELO gain and loss at the start of every game, so you know exactly where you’ll be sitting by the end of it.

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