“Return of the Jedi,” “Jurassic Park,” “School of Rock,” “The Addams Family,” “Santa Claus: The Movie” and “Casper” all saw their U.K. age ratings raised by film censors in 2023 according to The Daily Mail.
The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has reportedly upped the age limit on some family films previously rated U and are now PG due to concerns around violence and bad language.
The result is a film like “Return of the Jedi” has been “ruled as no longer be suitable for young children due to the scenes of violence”.
“Santa Claus: The Movie” the movie saw its rating raised to PG because of both mild violence and use of the word ‘crap’ exceeding its current guidelines.
Meanwhile “Jurassic Park” was raised from a PG to a 12A for its ‘moderate threat, violence, bloody images’.
On the flipside, the BBFC has downgraded other films where the ‘guidance’ around violence is said to have ‘evolved’. “Raging Bull,” “Enter the Dragon” and the original “Friday the 13th” have all seen their 18 ratings dropped to 15.
A BBFC spokesman tells the paper: “We embarked on our latest guidelines review this year where we spoke to a diverse range of parents, families, teenagers and educators across the length and breadth of the country.”
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