Mysterious castle emerges from sand dunes in North Carolina’s Outer Banks!

Mysterious castle emerges from sand dunes in North Carolina’s Outer Banks!

A mysterious structure recently emerged on a beach in North Carolina’s Outer Banks, captivating locals and tourists alike. It is a castle, which was once buried beneath an ancient sand dune, and has resurfaced after being hidden for several years. The appearance of the castle has added a layer of intrigue to the already popular tourist destination, known for its sun, sand, and adventure.

The Outer Banks, a scenic and historically rich area, draw thousands of visitors each summer. The region has even inspired the popular Netflix series ‘Outer Banks,’ which centers around treasure hunting. One of the key attractions of the area is Jockey’s Ridge, home to the largest sand dunes on the East Coast. These dunes, spanning over 400 acres, are a hub for activities like hang gliding and sandboarding. As the sands shift with the wind and sun, they often reveal hidden objects, much like the castle that has now come to light in the summer of 2024.

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Contrary to its royal appearance, the castle is not made of sand nor is it a genuine castle. It is, in fact, the remnants of a miniature golf course from the 1970s. Erosion and time have taken their toll on the structure, with dead plants growing around it, pieces crumbling, and its colors fading. Despite this, the castle still stands impressively at 8-10 ft tall.

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If reports are to go by, the origins of this miniature golf course date back to a controversial period in the 1960s and 1970s when developers, against the wishes of locals and environmentalists, attempted to build on the dunes. One such development was the miniature golf course designed to attract visitors to the dunes. However, by the 1980s, the relentless movement of the sands had entirely engulfed the course. The developers eventually abandoned their efforts and sold the land to the state of North Carolina.

With the castle hole now uncovered, many are curious about the fate of the rest of the golf course. Historical photos from the Library of Congress reveal that the course once featured holes structured around a giant sea monster, a ship, a giant octopus, and a cobra. The current whereabouts of these structures remain unknown, leaving their discovery to the whims of nature and time.

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The natural shifting sands of Jockey’s Ridge continue to shape and reshape the landscape, hinting at the hidden treasures that may still lie beneath. As these dunes, believed to be thousands of years old, continue their slow dance with the elements, they may one day reveal more secrets from the past, much like the mysterious castle of 2024.

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