Guide: Top 100 Best Nintendo Games Of All Time

Guide: Top 100 Best Nintendo Games Of All Time

Best Nintendo Games EverImage: Nintendo Life

The Famicom is now 40 years old. Time, huh? That’s four whole decades of 8-bit Nintendo games, many of which defined entire genres and birthed enduring characters and series that would go forth and flourish in future console generations and are still starring in system-sellers today.

In honour of 40 years of quality from our video game purveyors of choice, we’re publishing this list of the 100 Best Nintendo Games ever made. We’re talking first-party published titles here, most of which Nintendo developed in-house, although you’ll see some select second-party gems nestled in amongst all the gold from Kyoto’s finest.

As with many of our ranked lists, this selection of the finest Nintendo games available to humanity is governed by each game’s User Ratings on our database. Yes, this is a reader-ranked list, and a dynamic one that can change in real-time as individual game scores go up and down. As such, registered Nintendo Life users can click on the stars beside each game below and score them out of 10 and exert your influence on the ranking. If you’ve rated these games before, good on you! If not, it’s never too late!

A couple of notes before we begin. We’ve excluded a handful of games to prevent repetition. The Wii U version of Breath of the Wild, for example, is incredible, but not enough to warrant having Breath of the Wild occupy two spots in the Top 10 (apologies for the spoiler there, but c’mon!). In cases where we’ve deemed the two entries to be too similar, we’ve kept the higher of the two (which, perhaps surprisingly, isn’t always the HD or Deluxe Switch version). We’ve also removed all compilations in order to give more individual games a chance to shine. Complaints to the usual address.

Okay, that’s enough prevarication. On with the countdown of the 100 Top Nintendo games of all time, starting with…

100. Rhythm Heaven (DS)

8.57 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Nintendo SPD

Release Date: 5th Apr 2009 (USA) / 1st May 2009 (UK/EU)

Rhythm Heaven (or Rhythm Paradise as we know it in Europe) is the epitome of simple, clear game design, yet it never feels half-hearted in any regard. Its bare bones presentation helps new players get into into the swing of things, and once you ‘get’ it (and its strange sense of humour), you’ll find it very difficult to put down. It’s packed full of content and replay value, with tunes you’ll find yourself whistling when you’re away from the game, and still stands as one of the finest titles to grace the DS. Sure, the Megamix entry on 3DS collects together many of the best games from this and other games in the series, but this is still worth picking up in its own right. Trust us, you’ll be in rhythm game heaven (or paradise, depending on your side of the pond).

99. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (DS)

8.57 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Square Enix

Release Date: 11th Jul 2010 (USA) / 23rd Jul 2010 (UK/EU)

A game made exclusively for Nintendo DS, sometimes you can’t help but marvel at how developers are somehow able to squeeze home console-sized RPG epics onto tiny handheld systems with the most modest of specs, and Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies stands as an impressive feat. Boasting a wealth of new gameplay features, Wi-Fi compatibility and multiplayer action as well, this remains a significant milestone in portable gaming and helped increase western interest in this hallowed Japanese RPG series.

98. Pokémon Black and White (DS)

8.57 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Game Freak

Release Date: 6th Mar 2011 (USA) / 4th Mar 2011 (UK/EU)

Pokémon Black and White may not have the added nostalgia of HeartGold and SoulSilver, but they’re up there with some of the best in the series. What they lack in links to the past they gain by recreating the sense of discovery felt when embarking on that first Pokémon journey.

Black and White arguably suffer in reputation from being the only games in the series (thus far) to have direct numbered sequels set in the same region (albeit visiting new locations). Despite being shoved to the back of the queue in some people’s minds, these introductions to Gen V are still fantastic games and well worth revisiting.

97. Advance Wars: Dual Strike (DS)

8.58 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Intelligent Systems

Release Date: 22nd Aug 2005 (USA) / 30th Sep 2005 (UK/EU)

Advance Wars: Dual Strike isn’t hugely different to its two GBA predecessors, and at times it can feel like a new ‘mission pack’, but when the base experience is this good, that’s no bad thing. Additions such as having two CO characters in a battle enable you to fight on two fronts and add extra variety. Survival and Combatmodes add to the replayability, ensuring that like its predecessors there’s plenty to keep you occupied.

This was the penultimate outing for the ‘Wars’ series on DS; the 2008 sequel Advance Wars: Days of Ruin was the last time Intelligent Systems took to the battlefield in a game that didn’t have ‘Fire Emblem’ in the title. With the release of the fabulous Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the developer has another strategy hit on its hands, but we’d still love to see a return of the Wars series someday. Until then, we’ll have to make do with returning to previous entries, including this gem.

96. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)

8.58 Review 8/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Rare

Release Date: 24th Nov 1997 (USA) / 21st Nov 1997 (UK/EU)

Diddy Kong Racing did for Mario Kart 64 pretty much what Banjo-Kazooie would soon do for Super Mario 64; namely, take the template put down by Nintendo and expand on it with colour and creativity to produce far more than a mere homage. DKR expanded the single-player into an adventure and the addition of planes and hovercraft required much larger, more complex circuits to race around. The game also provided the console debuts of Banjo and Conker. What more do you want, jam on it?

95. Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (GBA)

8.59 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Intelligent Systems

Release Date: 23rd Jun 2003 (USA) / 3rd Oct 2003 (UK/EU)

Coming a couple of years after the original GBA entry in Intelligent Systems’ Wars series, Advance Wars 2 might not have shaken things up a whole lot, but it offered a slew of nice additions, as well as a fun new campaign to work your way through. Certain COs were tweaked to be less overpowered (Max, anyone?) making this a more balanced game than its predecessor. It’s arguably more of the same, but when the first course was so delicious, who wouldn’t want a second helping?


8.6 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Square Enix

Release Date: 4th Mar 2022 (USA) / 4th Mar 2022 (UK/EU)

Triangle Strategy is an absolute triumph for Artdink and Square Enix, a fantastic mix of satisfyingly strategic battles, an excellent choice-driven campaign narrative and top-notch world-building, all of which come together to form one of the finest tactical RPGs we’ve played in a very long time. There’s an absolute ton of content here, with a huge story featuring multiple paths to take depending on the choices you make and several properly impactful endings to enjoy on return visits. Serenoa Wollfort’s epic journey is a joy from start to finish, a grand and ambitious adventure that stands proud as one of the very finest examples of its genre on Switch.

93. Pikmin (GCN)

8.6 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Nintendo EAD

Release Date: 2nd Dec 2001 (USA) / 14th Jun 2002 (UK/EU)

Shigeru Miyamoto takes up gardening and before you know it he’s cracked out Nintendo’s version of the Real-Time Strategy genre! Featuring tiny little plant creatures that you order around in groups to pick up rubbish, harvest fruit and battle bugs and other beasties, it’s disarmingly charming and utterly bloodthirsty at the same time. You become very protective of the little critters that do your bidding and there’s an immense feeling of guilt when you accidentally command a legion into a watery grave or awaken a nest of sleeping monsters that proceed to munch though great swathes of your army. The sequel might have had some great refinements and additions, but there’s something to be said about the taut design and focus of the original Pikmin. We like it a lot.

92. Splatoon 3 (Switch)

8.63 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Nintendo

Release Date: 9th Sep 2022 (USA) / 9th Sep 2022 (UK/EU)

Splatoon 3 is more of the same, but refined to borderline mechanical perfection. It’s the most fun we’ve had with an online shooter in years, and for series veterans it makes Splatoon 2 feel entirely redundant for all but its unique single-player content. It feels like the development team has solved every problem the Splatoon community was bleating on about, and then fixed some more that we didn’t even realise were problems until they were fixed. There’s nothing revolutionary about it compared to its predecessors, and it’s perhaps missing a Big New Idea™ that you might expect after five years, but Splatoon 3 is the pinnacle of the series, and the pinnacle of shooters on Switch.

91. Advance Wars (GBA)

8.65 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Intelligent Systems

Release Date: 10th Sep 2001 (USA) / 11th Jan 2002 (UK/EU)

The first Advance Wars is a turn-based tactical classic. It might not have the huge amount of COs and new units that its sequels would bring, but as a result it feels more balanced and approachable; it generally feels very fair, even if you lose. And in those rare instances that it risks infuriating you, the immensely charming graphics and top notch music keep a smile on your face. We love a bit of Fire Emblem, but we’ve had our fingers crossed for years that Advance Wars will return some day. Keep ’em crossed.

90. Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

8.65 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Rare

Release Date: 21st Nov 1994 (USA) / 24th Nov 1994 (UK/EU)

This classic 16-bit platformer from Rare revitalised the character of Donkey Kong and introduced new members of the DK clan in a game that looked unimaginably impressive running on Super NES hardware back in the day. Donkey Kong Country’s faux 3D sprites may not have aged too gracefully, but the underlying gameplay is as solid as it was in 1994 — this is still a thoroughly enjoyable romp.

89. Splatoon 2 (Switch)

8.65 Review 10/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Nintendo EPD

Release Date: 21st Jul 2017 (USA) / 21st Jul 2017 (UK/EU)

Splatoon 2 is just about everything you could ask for from a sequel. It builds on everything the original online team shooter set up and then some; almost every single major issue people had with the first game has been resolved, showing that Nintendo is genuinely listening and wants to deliver the absolute best experience possible. It maintains the freshness you’d expect and throws in countless big and small changes and additions, every one of them for the better. Splatoon 2 is simply ink-redible.

88. Pokémon Crystal (GBC)

8.66 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Game Freak

Release Date: 29th Jul 2001 (USA) / 2nd Nov 2001 (UK/EU)

Pokémon Crystal is the perfect swan song to what many fans consider the best generation of Pokémon games and the series’ final Game Boy Color entry. It featured a plethora of welcome new features over the base games — including the ability to play as a female character for the first time — plus more things to do, tweaked graphics and UI, and a slight notch up in the challenge department.

Crystal took what Pokémon Gold and Silver did so marvellously and made Johto worth exploring once more – and Kanto for the umpteenth time for that matter. It truly proves that nostalgia is far from the sole factor that makes this game so great to pick up again.

87. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)

8.66 Review 10/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Retro Studios

Release Date: 21st Nov 2010 (USA) / 3rd Dec 2010 (UK/EU)

Retro Studios revival of Rare’s treasured Donkey Kong Country on SNES came after the developer had successfully reinvented Nintendo’s Metroid as an exploratory first-person shooter, so perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised that the team was able to recapture the spirit of Rare’s DKC platformers three console generations later with Donkey Kong Country Returns. However, it still came as something of a surprise just how good the game turned out, reimagining the SNES template for the 21st Century.

The 3DS port is equally impressive, but you really can’t go wrong with whatever version you can get your hands on. When it comes to resurrections, it seems Retro is your go-to studio and DKC returned in fabulous form on Wii.

86. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN)

8.66 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Retro Studios

Release Date: 15th Nov 2004 (USA) / 26th Nov 2004 (UK/EU)

Often considered to be the weakest entry in the Prime trilogy, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes nevertheless boasts the same brand of explorative first-person action that made the first game such a success, although with an increased difficulty and lacklustre multiplayer mode which took the shine off it for some players. We’d recommend playing it on Wii with the added bonus of pointer controls if the difficulty is an issue, but however you play, this sequel is still an incredibly good game.

85. Tetris DS (DS)

8.67 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Nintendo SPD

Release Date: 20th Mar 2006 (USA) / 21st Apr 2006 (UK/EU)

You can see the 9am meeting at Nintendo HQ now: “Mornin’ all. So, we’re putting Tetris on the new portable and we need a name. Ideas?”

Fortunately, Nintendo SPD didn’t head straight to the pub after striking upon the revolutionary Tetris DS title, but knuckled down to produce one of the finest iterations of the block-falling classic ever made. With touch controls, Wi-Fi connectivity and a truckload of Nintendo nods and winks, it is still one of the best ways to play the game and well worth tracking down if you’ve never had the pleasure.

84. Tales of Symphonia (GCN)

8.67 Review 8/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Namco

Release Date: 13th Jul 2004 (USA) / 19th Nov 2004 (UK/EU)

The GameCube entry in Namco’s Tales series, Tales of Symphonia, could be fairly described as an RPG for non-fans of the genre. The battle system is active and forgoes the static menus you might expect in favour of the ‘Multi-Line Linear Motion Battle System’ which makes things more dynamic for players who like that sort of thing. This was the first entry to feature 3D graphics and although the plot might be a little workaday if you’re at all familiar with the genre, there’s a lot to love here. The game was also released for PS2 in Japan, and PS3 worldwide, so the GameCube isn’t the only place to catch up with Lloyd and the gang.

83. Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)

8.67 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Monolith Soft

Release Date: 4th Dec 2015 (USA) / 4th Dec 2015 (UK/EU)

Xenoblade Chronicles X is sprawling, diverse, complex and entrancing. It utilised the Wii U’s capabilities not only to produce a beautiful world, but showed how something as simple as a map on the GamePad screen can be invaluable. What’s most impressive is the dynamism and impression of freedom in play – level caps and grinding are naturally part of the equation, yet they’re managed within a structure where even small missions or Affinity quests greatly enhance the narrative and sense of place. To truly experience the story of this human colony and the vast planet Mira requires exploration and patience, and Monolith Soft found an impressive balance in bringing its vast range of gameplay systems and mechanics together. Occasional bottlenecks are infrequent and easily overcome in the broader experience, and overall Xenoblade Chronicles X delivers a hugely impressive RPG adventure. It was an enormous accomplishment for Monolith Soft and an irresistible part of the Wii U library.

82. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)

8.67 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Nintendo EAD

Release Date: 26th Jul 2009 (USA) / 24th Jul 2009 (UK/EU)

Showcasing the new MotionPlus accessory (eventually built into the Wii Remote Plus), Wii Sports Resort offered the kind of motion-tracking fidelity many of us had imagined the Wii would offer out of the gate, with highlights including fencing and throwing a frisbee for an adorable pooch.

81. F-Zero X (N64)

8.67 Review 9/10 Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Nintendo EAD

Release Date: 27th Oct 1998 (USA) / 6th Nov 1998 (UK/EU)

Available On: NSO + Expansion Pack

Forum wars continue to wage over whether F-Zero X or its successor on GameCube is the superior white-knuckle futuristic racer. Both are essential, of course. The 64-bit entry is metal: pure, simple, guitar-screeching, all-out metal. EAD stripped back extraneous detail to achieve the smoothest, most blistering and nail-bitingly precise racing experience. At this speed, on these dizzying tracks, even the tiniest prod on the spindly analogue stick matters, and the original N64 pad offers peak precision for micro adjustments which make the difference between gracefully sweeping through a corner with nary a pixel to spare… or catching said corner and ricocheting between barriers to an explosive, humiliating retirement.

How much more metal could this get? None. None more metal. Flaming skulls and chromed motorcycles would actually reduce the metal content of this game.

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