Team Bus Driver or Team Cyclist: Which One Are You?

Team Bus Driver or Team Cyclist: Which One Are You?

Okay, here’s a test: Watch this no-context video of a cyclist with a ginormous sign getting face-planted by a bus.

If you found yourself cheering for the bus driver, you’re an American, according to this guy named Andy.

The point of these signs is to show the legal passing distance. There’s a disturbing urge by Americans to watch this thinking they’re supposed to cheer for the bus driver.

— Andy Boenau (@Boenau) October 20, 2023

If you laughed and watched the video a couple of times, we’re not going to judge you.

If you laughed and watched the video ten or more times … welcome, you’ve found your people. LOL.

I’m team bus

— Joe McWopSki (@LakesFirearmsTr) October 21, 2023

Same, bro, as is about everyone who replied.

No matter how much you hate bicyclists, it is not enough

— Taylor Day (@TABYTCHI) October 20, 2023

We’re sorry to our Twitchy cyclist friends. Just let us have this moment.

Dudes riding in the middle of the road.

— Yak (@YakWeasel) October 20, 2023

Right?! The bus driver had six inches, at best, between his wheels and the curb.

Also, you’re on a bike. You’re always going to lose that fight.

Cyclists are karens

— Spreadsheeticus (@spreadsheeticus) October 21, 2023

Ha! Somebody had to say it.

Thank you for posting this. We have been laughing and passing it around. It’s a real palate cleanser after all of the drama of the past few weeks. Can’t stop laughing.

— Allen covert (@emperorcovert) October 21, 2023

LOLOLOL! See! It’s not just us.


It’s even better if you add the Price is Right loser horn at the end

— Emily Zanotti 🦝 (@emzanotti) October 21, 2023


the unbridled narcissism of cyclists part 287

— 𝓁𝒶𝓊𝓇𝑒𝓃 (@FletchMatlock) October 21, 2023

She’s behind a few seasons. No spoilers, please!

Strange to mention Americans when this is clearly not North America.

— the_architectopteryx (@rchitectopteryx) October 21, 2023

In fairness, we’d laugh no matter where it was filmed.

— Flappr (@flapprdotnet) October 21, 2023

HAHA! It’s literally all of us.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking we’re cheering for the bus driver.

We’re cheering against that obnoxious cyclist.

— Beorn (@Beorn2000) October 21, 2023

An important distinction, to be sure. LOL.

Isn’t the bus driver required to wait until there’s safe passing distance?

— Kirk Westphal (@Kirk_Westphal) October 20, 2023

We’re not exactly sure where this was filmed or what the local laws are, but the laws of physics are universal, and they say no.

Yes, we all cheer for the driver.

— theRoddick (@OriginalRoddick) October 21, 2023

The video’s not very clear, but if you imagine the bus driver laughing as he checks his mirrors, it’s even better.

Only a narcissistic cyclist would think a cyclist needs more room than a bus

— Suffy 🦢 (@drsuffy) October 21, 2023

Thank you!

The person who wrote the below tweet doesn’t grasp that the video they posted is both an obvious argument against the legal passing distance being as artificially long as it is, as well a powerfully satisfying moment of watching a biker (the human vermin of urban life) get owned.

— Jeff Blehar is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) October 21, 2023

This is not going well for Team Cyclist.

Every time I watch this I imagine it with different music. So far the PacMan theme, ending with the death sound is my favorite.

— 🫃🏼💉🇺🇦Hollaria Briden, Esq. (@HollyBriden) October 21, 2023

Y’all are warped. We like it.

Ok, cyclist here.
See that curb?
The bus driver cannot move further over.
The cyclist could be aware of the surroundings, move to his right, and the bus would have the room to safely pass within the 1.5 meter safe zone.

Also, cycle boy is struggling to control his bike even…

— HistoryInc (@T00ManyCommies) October 21, 2023

Proof that there’s a specific type of cyclist that is so annoying they’ve made people despise all the other cyclists.

(This is one here is one of the good ones.)

— 𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕭𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖚𝖎𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖞 (@griffonsec) October 21, 2023


the legend actually did it!!

— Spooky Spook Boi 🏴‍☠️👻 (@speedyspeedboi_) October 21, 2023

This meme was made for this moment.

I’m supposed to cheer for the guy on a bike who thinks he can block both lanes? No.

— Sean Agnew (@seanagnew) October 21, 2023

We were cheering for him … to go down.

— David Hynes (Pax Libertas) (@fierceasymmetry) October 21, 2023

We. Are. Dead. 😂😂😂

— Emu Spookundus 🎃 (@EmuSecundus) October 21, 2023

One of Jefferson’s greatest speeches, honestly.

The guy on the bike is an idiot. He deserves to be memed and laughed at

— DDayCobra (@DDayCobra) October 21, 2023

He probably should consider taking the bus next time.

Does he also play soccer?

— Rae A (@xrae) October 21, 2023

For sure … and he also uses the metric system.

An angel just got its wings

— Brandon Hannibal Donkey (@BrandonDonkey2) October 21, 2023

We just keep laughing, and laughing, and laughing some more.

I have heartily chuckled every time this insufferable dork tips over as this has appeared in my TL (dozens of times).

I hope you all do, too.

— Eighth Century Woodchipper 🌳🪓 (@BonifaceOption) October 21, 2023

The part where he first wobbles and hard plants his foot to try to save it and then topples the other way …

Pablo Picasso has nothing on this video.

It gets more satisfying each time I watch it.

— David V. Stewart (@DavidVStewart) October 21, 2023

Not gonna lie. It ages like a fine wine.

Nobody likes cyclists.

— Philllosoraptor 🇮🇱 (@RealPhillyP) October 22, 2023

The replies have made that crystal clear.

Yay, bus driver!

— Coder, A CoderDyne Account (@CoderInCrisis) October 21, 2023

The consensus seems rather clear, but what about you?

Team Bus Driver or Team Cyclist?


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