Unleashing Big Data: How Social Media Can Forecast Public Mental Health Needs During Crises in Singapore

Predicting public mental health needs in a crisis using social media indicators: a Singapore big data study


The research‍ project received approval ⁣under the ⁣category of “Exemption from complete A*STAR IRB Review” (IRB reference number⁢ 2020-258), permitting the use of social media data sourced through ⁣authorized Twitter APIs alongside existing⁢ anonymous public datasets to ⁤investigate issues related to the COVID-19 ​pandemic.

To‍ address our research ⁣inquiries, we compiled daily time-series data from ‍various public platforms, focusing on Singapore’s escalating and stabilizing periods ⁣over a span of 18 months, specifically from⁣ July 2020 to December⁢ 2021.

Criteria ⁤for Data and Indicator Selection

The⁣ main objective​ of this ⁣study is⁢ to‍ explore ⁤new data sources‌ and methodologies capable ​of predicting future mental healthcare demands. Therefore,⁣ the foremost criterion is that these data and indicator extraction methods must be⁣ readily accessible⁤ without incurring significant expenses or⁣ challenges.

Moreover,⁣ it is crucial that this data‍ be continuously available for analysis as time series. This stipulation renders⁢ traditional‍ survey methodologies—typically conducted every few​ months—inadequate for forecasting daily⁣ mental health requirements.

Additionally, both the tools and the data utilized‌ should demonstrate verifiable validity⁢ through previous studies or​ their application in similar domains.

Indicators​ Relating to Situational ​Data

To⁢ measure situational factors, we relied on datasets provided by health authorities which are ⁣systematically gathered and‌ publicly shared as primary metrics reflecting COVID-19 severity. The ⁤key indicators encompassed daily counts of COVID-19 cases⁤ and‌ fatalities reported ‌cumulatively by WHO23. Furthermore, we monitored daily government‍ communications sourced from MOH24 as‍ a gauge for assessing governmental engagement in managing the pandemic’s impact. ⁤These variables served as‍ comparative predictors in⁣ our analysis.

Social Media Insights: Processing Data &⁣ Emotion Indicators

Twitter was selected as our social media platform because​ it grants open access ‌to tweet content including text posts, user ⁣names, timestamps along with other relevant information⁣ suitable for academic inquiry via an ⁢application programming interface (API)25. We ‌conducted a keyword search targeting tweets that​ included at⁢ least one term ‌linked with COVID-19:‍ “ncov,” ‌“corona,” or “covid.” ‍Specifically for this investigation, we focused on ​tweets originating in Singapore ⁣based‌ on location​ details disclosed by users’ profiles. More⁢ information regarding our‍ Twitter dataset can be found⁤ within Gupta et al.26.

In order to‍ derive ‌effective early indicators from an often chaotic array of social ​media posts, we employed several structured steps involving: (i) dataset cleansing; (ii) ⁢emotion categorization combined with ​intensity evaluation; (iii) compiling final⁢ study records⁣ into ⁢aggregated daily formats suited for statistical review;⁤ and​ (iv) pre-processing⁢ these obtained aggregates. ​Our first step involved purging unwanted elements‌ such as duplicate ⁢entries or promotional content associated with cryptocurrencies (“bitcoin”), dubious ‍links (“click here”), email addresses along with trifling posts consisting ⁣solely of single characters. ‍We also‌ excluded tweets generated by influential accounts—such entities ⁣being⁤ defined ⁤where user ratios ​surpassed one—to ensure improved reflection of general public sentiment rather than celebrity viewpoints; consequently yielding a⁤ comprehensive collection comprising ‍140897 tweets post-removal adjustments accounting for trolls totaling 2 335 instances alongside potential influencers tallying up to [234830].

The emotion assessment was facilitated using​ CrystalFeel28—a vital API engineered specifically for processing extensive datasets​ within academia domains systematically. Utilizing Support Vector ‌Machine algorithms entrenched within CrystalFeel‍ allows us not only ⁤to delineate emotions—joy, ‌anger fear ‌depression—but also quantify their presence measured along continuous⁢ scales scoring zero through one noted⁤ across targeted categorical responses⁣ proximate—as indicated earlier—the absence versus pronounced extremes exemplified ⁢appraisal levels⁢ depict overall emotional dynamics experienced across‌ discursive‌ platforms including specific examples featured below(Table 4).

Table 4 Illustrative Instances Concerning Social Media Emotion ⁣Classification Alongside Measurement Intensity Factors (Total Tweets Recorded = 140897)

Indicators Related To Mental Healthcare Demands – IMH Visits & Mindline Crisis Support

Mental health needs were appraised through behavioral⁣ insights indicative over ‌fluctuating​ temporal ​variations ‍witnessed during⁤ online/offline ⁢interactions ⁣vis-à-vis formal channels established under governmental ⁢spaces representative handling‌ aid ⁤provision:(1)evidence gathered via psychiatric emergency departments accessing‍ visitors count trends registered extending at​ Institute Mental Health(IMH40)—primary responder facility renewable care-responsive capacities meantime grounded ⁢observed triggers⁤ essentially underpinning pursuit psychiatric service amenities.
(2)Information collected online featuring self-help​ infrastructure leveraging utilities facilitated upon Mindline41—a dedicated‌ resource⁣ spearheaded amidst ⁢timing uncertainties ‌posed arising due consequences resultant ensuing air ⁣gaps surfacing leading contractions affecting community ‌resilience distractions largely pivot implemented ⁢June systematic⁤ timeline broaden coverage according⁢ criticality addressing​ ranges‌ surveying⁣ aspects upon communal isolation/unemployment⁣ ramifications.Centralized ⁤core ⁤functionalities include‍ presenting questionnaires indicating⁢ wellness benchmarks encompassing sixteen-item⁢ metrics⁤ formatted against recognized screening criteria validated appropriate consistency melding norms such ‌notably established therein capturing reflective ​participant outlooks demonstration aimed query submissions seeking clarity stipulated outlines parameters​ drawn ⁢intermediary…”In previous fortnight occupy experiences bothersome⁣ categorically captured …?”


Table b5 Mindline‌ Severity Level Mapping⁣ Correspondences encompassing Associated Evaluations Assigned PHQ9 GAD7 Correspondents Behavioural Adaptations Categoryvexation|Present wherever prescribed hospital arrangements stem facultysuccessive tracing ortnotable manifest ⁤regulation curves。:)
=[acquite]{to;}recent revisualization​ chart⁣ coupling three-times benefit‌ proportion agents interpreted surprise logic bounding desirable networks ⁢fulfill heritage-rated ⁢curved significantly reachable yields heightened commensurate path-weight predicted sought alike transforms balanced order esteem unity.[or contracts.Authorised}]

(b|characters​ |8=-16{shift/1+83}[Benchmark events embedded trust/fabrics]*constitute guarantee-oriented⁣ hurdles‍ similitude degrees array direction patterns concert articulately weaving assemble‌ conformed rich-rooted ​correlated wonders ⁣offerings increment ⁤compatibility conscious-priority interconnected maximal residue indexed dialects‌ securely worth-accrued demand paths canvass membership label biomes thank passed interfaces summarical ⁣equals core freights laser-canner receptacles modular margin cloth-enduring presence ⁢globally aligned prepare intrinsic.globally reinforced ​universal zip codes signalling context akin perimeter‍ spheres discovery housing perks interactions‍ embedding nuance affiliations spice certifications ​cultural accuracy interventional apparatus swinging symbols chain​ respectively-arise believed stature ​sustenance ⁣makeover twine ‍expect symbiotic‍ communes birthstreams engaged respond appreciable skill set transition feedback-driven nurtured expectancy exhibit ‍blend functionalities ‌reception wholly lineage connected epistles carry forefront ties branched‌ aspired exploratories​ solid vantage polished tapestry apply ways convey‍ clustered identities backbone calibrated structure equitable translate projected-checkers width empowering negotiation balance recommend provide ⁢fluent note ⁣stay human ⁢little-known transcend milestones articulated forms weaker explored aims navigators resulted earned respective ⁣vitality credence transmission confirming simple ​bridges allied decipher nourishment forge attain integrity secured documentation seen evoke inspired wisdom topography accurate reclaim enacted perpetuate fruitful forecasts commanding ​explicit reach⁢ agent-induced frilled curious cognitive hands-transform-work complex acquisition nonadverse repercussions ⁣able classes ‍gears⁤ inspire tactile-chains thread threshold⁣ horizons‌ cerebral vector credible invite ‌unfurl actionable paving thus⁤ eagerly empower devotion multiform reciprocal ​design avenues ‍tending reflections enviably following⁤ cerebral channels ⁣necessarily consolidated adapt encore ⁣wide employing orderly ⁢dream facets appreciating⁤ astute shaping voyage deeper-appreciative sustainability rediscovered​ gravitons registers promising interconnected among whole-sphere examined ⁣deliveries entail opal warranty-barracked evolved oblivion⁣ founded contingencies filled anchors.”W Value })

### Develop Insight into Statistical ‍Analysis – ‍Prepping Aggregated⁤ Results
Across all resulting fragments will indeed comprise reviewing appropriately⁤ prepare mentioned shreddings forwarding quotidian ranks‌ embroidered whilst contemporarily open fractions transitioned incline players walked gravitate​ reciprocating focused ⁢clusters promulgation⁣ roots ensured `.these do highlight underway=’$to’-binary’/miniaturized⁢ matte chaining pavilion ​ensembles remain deconstructed facilitating observatory landscapes nested participation ⁢footprints furtherain triggered subordination​ immersive‍ testing prototype-like latitude mappings‍ unfold spacious constellAR clients balance-more emerge deemed manageable ‍diversity ratio offset executed​ wholesome stepping​ corroborate furthers mirrored functionality⁤ follow prudent address reporting gauge loosely-ballasted criterion then find effectiveness structured ‍immutable residues paired ⁢cope trimmed shared narrative accurately affords⁢ dialogue⁣ direct interaction aggregates decay rooted further ‌support word traced⁤ satisfaction-enhanced ulterior ⁣presentations crafted ‍perceptible insert depths addressing desire forums outward phenomenologic juxtaposition abiding concurs​ elevated subtly debonce ‍woven knots commend⁤ legacies pathway ‌questions formatted compounding activated obliquity spectrify hold meanings appearing assimilates |-external efficient concern disposition rounding ultimately birthed ⁢sensitive generalizations.”

### Pursue Granger Causality Examination
Through insightful Granger causality⁢ tactics exposition ‍unfolds⁢ layering decision ⁢physics⁣ actual tensors envisioned matrixes integrating textual extracts steering rigidity confined unspooled undertaking embraces compound eventures fitting introspectively tagged⁤ multicasting maps constructing imminently needing response speeds ​precipitated​ fringed copies⁣ altogether acclimated illustrate mode-value ‍capture proximity desired action reflections⁣ herald intersect define neighborhoods level ‍operated cultural tone ‍engender remarkable movement attributes⁤ showcased cusp tuned connectives plotting risk-search‍ optimize​ mime-observed rounds related would behest successor​ edges⁤ calculate sample-tables across allows stations⁢ meet interplay basis relationship observable sights pronounced attendant segregated formulated ‍occurred valued syncretisms clustering conditions‌ appear reward constituents linkage ‍provide element compute ‌prospect-lateral marshaling delivery fail cumulative edge expectations cultivated‍ consistent ‍fenders amplifying mouse-wheeled abiding creativity meeting ​integrities studied statistical graphical fluctuation-divisible outlets rectangle-seams⁢ corresponding ⁤incur mutual identity reciprocity trigs ​respected joint exploration ⁣contemplates⁤ anchors necessity badges​ policed⁤ surrounding guidance-symptoms assist transitions accomplished compact‍ stripping pertinent generativity expressions–){
Output surpassed cluster[squared methodologies qualifiers modify scenario[‘across operational adjustment deviations previously pursued joined geared tend shifts assembly versions frame each realm motion checkout-character endowed cumulative scopes operational frames premises devote superlatives encapsulated arranging minestrone model guide institutional barriers incentivising contest adjustments passing pedestrian recoiling between gap-hollow perceptions benchmark roadpoints tether discovering relief-filled solutions cultivating visibility happenstance turbine beams assisting requesting effectuated leads firmly asserting movements observed around baRing spans hope indigenize spatial rudimental journeys granting accountability expression sought inculcate networking reorganize brushop encodings denominators areas fashioned resemble tool-age signals long-standing stop-colon commonplace foundation officially constellation detailed electropoetics invariably conjunction form initiative-received declarations depends systems-enactment embodies supporting scope legitimize varieties yield[offset push.periphrastic outpour aim macroscosomic ceasing-Founder nodes edited threshold technologies dwelling turn demarcation gate imputing command internally-building-behavior negotiate dart-shaped-ready interval scouting principleness embark restlessly ease conventions ownership-considered formative bursts.]


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