2023 ends with Mercury in retrograde — what’s in store for your sign?

2023 ends with Mercury in retrograde — what’s in store for your sign?

Buckle up, my birth-charting babies.

From December 13 through January 1, 2024, Mercury, trickster planet of the mind and its multitudes, is going retrograde through not one but two zodiac signs.

Kicking off the backstroke in the restrictive, striving, dad jeans, cardinal earth sign of Capricorn (Dec 12 – Dec 22) Mercury will then make movies in the bon vivant, caution to the wind, arrows to the sky mutable fire sign of Sagittarius (Dec 23 – Jan 2).

Named for the mischief-minded, trash-talking envoy of gods, the carrier of energies and the ferryman of the dead, he of the winged foot and loose tongue, Mercury is the fastest-moving planet in our solar system and retrogrades three to four times a year.

If you factor in the two-week pre and post-shadow periods of a retrograde, known as retro-shade, the effects of the prankster planet of commerce and conversation are felt for roughly half of the calendar year.

In-kind, Mercury retrograde is not to be feared but revered.

What is Mercury retrograde?

In myth, Mercury for the Romans or Hermes for the Greeks was the messenger of the gods whose communicative route spanned from the peaks of Mount Olympus to the depths of the underworld. Universal Images Group via Getty Images

The term retrograde is a bit of a misnomer as the planet does not actually stop or flip it in reverse but rather slows its roll long enough to appear to be backspinning from our vantage here on Earth. Our ancient forebearers noted this phenomenon and correlated the shift to the challenges and changes that befell them.

In retrograde we are called to engage with all matters of RE prefixes, reflection, revision, reinvestment, revisit, reconnection, relativity, etc. It ain’t a great time to start but it is an auspicious moment to return to a project, person, or passion you may have unfinished business with.

From limits to boundlessness and back

Mercury’s is the most notorious retrograde. Getty Images

Mercury rules the mind and the mouth, travel, technology, currency, communion and exchange and the sign it spins through lends its energy and archetype to these arenas. In Capricorn, Mercury teaches us the value of limitations, of directness, edits and of speaking volumes with sparse sentences. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn AKA Cronos, the god of time who killed his darlings. In-kind, the first part of this retrograde asks us to consider our relationship with our waking hours, what are we working for or towards? Where have we lost the plot and failed to see the forrest through the trees? What can we eliminate to elevate? Are we holding tight to a past that is holding us back?

What can we eliminate in order to elevate?

On the 23rd, Mercury moonwalks into Sagittarius. Ruled by roll the dice Jupiter, Sagittarius is the sign of the seeker who wants truth, demands freedom and has a nasty habit of shooting off at the mouth and missing the mark by failing to read the fine print. During the latter stages of this retrograde, we have the chance to ready our plans for the year to come and to measure our designs and desires against our capacity for more.

Offering up the following retrograde forecasts for each sign is acclaimed astrologer, writer and cosmic navigator Gahl Sasson, author of “The Astrology of 2024.”

Read on, speak soft, love well and be well.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

As the zodiacal leaders and warriors of light, be extra mindful of how you deal with figures of authority, bosses, and folks who are older than you Aries as misunderstandings and conflict can arise in your career or with superiors. If you plan to travel abroad or are involved in the publishing, mass media, and educational worlds, take extra heed, glitches abound. This transit can also cause issues with in-laws and foreign associates, take care in conversing and give the benefit of the doubt more often than a rage-bent dressing down. 

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

As the artist and financier of the zodiac, take heed if you are planning to travel overseas or deal with multinational corporations and foreign associates,Taurus. Be mindful of liars and Ponzi schemers who will no doubt wander into your pleasure pastures. When Mercury switches hits into Sagittarius you may face troubles with investments, inheritance, insurance, and taxes. No cheating! You might feel somewhat morbid and easily distracted. Your partner in work or life might go through financial or emotional issues, you can provide support without casting yourself in the role of savior.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Mercury is your ruler, therefore, retrogrades are a bit tougher for you, Gemini. This period can be problematic if you need to manage other people’s money, talents or emotional well-being. Be extra careful with how you deal with the feelings of your loved ones as they might confuse your levity for flippancy. Now, as ever, is a great time to begin or continue a therapy journey where you can speak your mind freely and air your grievances safely.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

As the sign associated with home and family, this Mercury retro can cause some conflict with your partners or parents, Cancer. There could be some bouts with enemies or antagonists. Mercury was given dominion over healing and this period can provide just that if you take conscious care of yourself. Watch your liver and consider getting a few weeks’ jump on sober January.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

As the creator, resident royal, and heart-center of the zodiac, we need you in tiptop health Leo. During this retro you are encouraged to boost your immune system and to refrain from drinking alcohol excessively. Miscommunication with your coworkers or employees could cause some issues. Go on vacation if you can or at least employ a bar minimum Monday approach to your weekday work efforts. When Mercury moves into Sag, miscommunications and misunderstandings with your lovers (especially if you’re having a secret love affair) could arise as could challenges with children, sports, hobbies, and your “babies” (as in creative projects).

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

The main challenges of this retrograde are coming from your children, lovers, interns, and other folks younger than you, Virgo. You have a special affinity for Mercury and as your ruler, he expects the most out of you. From Dec. 23 on, watch for issues with real estate, home, family (original and your own), as well as mother figures in your life. Be open to forgiveness, both offering and accepting.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

With the South Node in your sign until Jan 2025, this isn’t an easy time for you Libra. Be nice to yourself! This period can cause problems with your family members as well as people who live with you. Old emotional insecurities might surface, this sounds heavy but remember with every surfacing comes a chance for healing. There could be issues with relatives, siblings, neighbors, and roommates. Be extra careful with what you tweet, post, repost, text, and write. Your words could easily be taken out of context and fastened into a noose. 

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

As the witchiest sign under the sun, we need you to use your magic to help us all ride out these times and tides, Scorpio. In this period be extra careful with your contracts, businesses, marketing, sales, and public relations. This period can be challenging financially or create situations where you might feel lower self-esteem as wealth and worth are emphasized. Don’t take things personally or permanently. All things end and this too shall pass.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

As the teacher, prophet and seeker, this retrograde is tough on you, Sagittarius. Avoid making important financial decisions or overspending on others. Remember that your company is as good as gold. Beginning December 23, Mercury will be retrograding in your sign which means it is extra powerful. Watch your bodily health and public perception. Be extra mindful about what and with whom you share. It’s a great time to reconnect to a yoga or meditation practice. 

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This retro takes place in your sign, Capricorn which makes it a bit more taxing than a regular Mercury in reverse. Watch your body, health, how you look at life, your brand, image, etc. This is a rather challenging time that could result in accidents, a visit to the hospital (might be to visit another person). There is a sense of isolation and sadness. However, your imagination and connection to your subconscious can bring prophetic dreams and visions. Be open to the lessons, brutal, beautiful and points in between that this transit has in store for you.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

As the altruistic revolutionary of the zodiac, this retrograde may make you acutely sensitive to the suffering of others. A good time to learn a healing modality, get into shamanism, religious activities, and anything that can ease humanity’s pain through your own spiritual evolution. We need you Aquarius as we enter your Age. There could be some issues with governmental officials, friends, colleagues, and members of groups or companies you belong to. You also might feel your friends are not reciprocating your investment in them. Give grace and space to your nearest and dearest during this season of tension.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, as the mystic of the zodiac, you have been going through Jedi training since March of 2023 when Saturn moved into your sign. In this retro, you might experience miscommunications and problems with friends, organizations, clubs, and members of your team. Avoid unnecessary battles. This retro can create conflicts and problems with bosses, superiors, and people you meet throughout your career. There could also be issues with father figures. Rise above to get ahead.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.

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