NLC declares two-day nationwide strike over economic hardship 

NLC declares two-day nationwide strike over economic hardship 

Friday, February 16, 2024

NLC [Credit:Businessday NG]

The Nigerian Labour Congress has declared a two-day nationwide strike in protest against economic hardship.

Joe Ajaero, NLC president, disclosed this at a press conference on Friday. 

Mr Ajaero stated that labour will down tools on February 27 and 28 in protest against economic hardship in the country.

On February 8, the NLC and the Trade Union Congress issued a 14-day nationwide strike notice to President Bola Tinubu’s government.

NLC’s two-day strike comes after citizens in protests against spiking food prices stormed the streets in Niger, Kano, Osun and Lagos States last week.

Mr Tinubu, in response to public outcry on the rising cost of food ,had directed the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security to release about 42,000 metric tonnes of grain, including maize, millet and garri.

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