Professional rubbish remover ‘Mr Shift It’ dumped mountain of toys, clothes and mattress

Professional rubbish remover ‘Mr Shift It’ dumped mountain of toys, clothes and mattress

A pile of rubbish

A man who dumped a large pile of rubbish in March 2021 has been fined (Image: Liverpool Echo/Sefton Council)

A professional rubbish remover known as “Mr Shift It” has been fined more than £8,500 for dumping a mountain of toys, clothes, and mattresses.

Anthony Walsh, 52, from Kirkby deposited the massive pile of items over a five-day period in March 2021.

Among the rubbish was furniture, toys, building rubble and clothes which had been taken from jobs carried out by the company earlier that year.

The court heard how Mr Walsh was the sole director of the now-dissolved Mr Shift It Limited when the dumping occurred.

When Mr Walsh appeared in Sefton Magistrates Court on November 14, footage from CCTV provided evidence to the prosecution.

Mr Walsh dumped the rubbish over several days in March 2021 (Image: Sefton Council)

Mr Walsh pleaded guilty to 11 environmental crimes and now has to pay for the rubbish to be cleaned up.

He was fined £1,166 by the court and has to pay a £466 victim surcharge, legal costs of £1,105.25 and clean-up costs of £6,065. This means Mr Walsh has to pay a total of £8,802.25.

The Liverpool Echo reported that Sefton’s Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services Paulette Lappin said that Mr Walsh’s crime was “disgusting” and that it was his responsibility.

Fly tipping has become a bigger problem in the UK in recent years (Image: Getty)

She said: “Fly-tipping is such a disgusting crime because it is a blight on our borough and something that won’t be tolerated by us.”

Ms Lappin added: “What’s even worse in this case is that the illegal dumping of waste was the responsibility of someone who should have known better and I hope this punishment acts as a deterrent.

“It’s also a chance to remind people that if you see fly tipping or you have information about someone you know who has illegally dumped their waste you can report it to us and we will take action.”

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