Have a day off

Have a day off

It’s Sunday.

There’s nothing new to tell you.

No Rice Report.

No Caicedo Communiqué.

No Kai Chronicle.

No Romeo Record.

Some of our players were on international duty. I struggle to care once they are all right. Norway lost to Scotland. Or Scotland beat Norway, depending on how you want to view it. Both things are true.

So, it’s Sunday. The day on which some of the stag party lads who were in Dublin last night might wake up with a sore head and wonder what it was that made the barman angry at them. Don’t ask me. I was just standing there.

So, I’m going to put down my pen (keyboard), and go about my day. I might take Lana for a nice walk.

I hope you have a great Sunday. Go outside. Enjoy the sunshine. Eat some nice food.

Till tomorrow.

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