40 BYOD Statistics and Facts You Should Know in 2023

40 BYOD Statistics and Facts You Should Know in 2023

In This Guide
In This Guide

Bring your device (BYOD) is a company policy to permit employees to bring and use their devices for related functions. With about 70% of employees in global markets utilizing this policy, also known as I.T. consumerization, the significance of BYOD is widespread and acceptable.

However, one fact is that BYOD is constantly questioned or opposed for cybersecurity reasons. The policy has significant advantages, such as granting flexibility to employees and enhancing their productivity, morale, and convenience. It also has disadvantages that could easily lead to security risks if mobile device management software is absent. So, let’s look at some of the most popular statistics related to the bring-your-device policy.

Mind Boggling BYOD Statistics

1. 61% of Organizations Expect Employee Availability With or Without Company-issued Phones.

Employees in such organizations are left without a choice but to carry their own devices and utilize them for work functions. The case is preferable if the company has an added policy of rewarding employees for extra hours.

[Source: Samsung]

2. Companies that Utilize Mobile Work Gain 240 Hours Per Year from Employees.

The BYOD option has proven helpful in generating revenue while saving time for most enterprises. Two hundred forty extra hours from employees is about six working weeks.

[Source: Salesforce]

3. 67% of People at Work Use Their Own Devices.

The act of using devices at work is one that most individuals would fail, even as a rule. According to a Microsoft study, two out of three employees use their devices while working. This excludes the company’s policy, breaks, or specifically assigned tasks.

[Source: CBS News]

4. The BYOD Market Will Hit $366.95 Billion in 2022.

The data shared on the BYOD market as of 2014 was worth over $94.15 billion. Then, the predicted target for 2022 was $366.95, according to the global market. This shows that the trend is constantly increasing with no end in view.

[Source: Global Market Insights]

5. The Most Preferred Bring-your-device for Employees is the Smartphone.

The Smartphone is prominently regarded as one of the handiest tools for all kinds of jobs. Although employees could own an average of two others, the Smartphone’s mobility and flexibility make it a preferred choice.

[Source: Cisco]

BYOD Statistics You Need To Know

These facts are recommended to fuel your knowledge more on the BYOD trend.

6. 95% of Organizations Permit Their Employees to Use Personal Devices.

Companies that do not permit this could be highly conscious of security on their files and do not want the risk of a security breach.

In such cases, employees should understand the nature of their job and stay secure.

[Source: Cisco]

7. Survey Reveals 87% of Companies Rely on Employee Access to Mobile Business Apps via Personal Smartphones.

I.T. has digitalized the business world so that smartphones can perform many specific functions. Employees maximize these functions to access and complete tasks at work using unique business tools.

[Source: Syntonic]

8. Employees Use an Average of 5.2 Business Apps on Their Mobile Phones Daily.

11% of the interviewed sources use more than ten mobile business applications daily, while 32% use at least six. This shows that their personalized smartphones have been configured for work purposes majorly.

[Source: Syntonic]

9. 69% of I.T. Stakeholders in the United States Categorize BYOD as a Positive Trend.

In some countries, this percentage is above the 80% mark as the belief is that the BYOD policy is entirely a good cause.

[Source: Cisco]

10. The BYOD Trend was Evident in Over 45% of U.K. Businesses.

Among this rough estimation of 45%, 60% are in the finance or insurance industry. However, the expectation was that there would be a significant increase soon.

[Source: Statista]

Employees must check their emails regularly, use calendars for appointments, and access contacts daily. These were the primary and most frequent functions of BYOD at work, with the rest, such as document editing and internet sharing seeing fewer numbers.

[Source: Crowd Research]

12. 96% of Companies Agree that the Connectivity of Personal Devices to Corporate Networks Expanded.

Once employees are granted access to their devices for work, they are connected to the company’s private networks. As such, the number of connected personal devices (including smartphones, laptops, and tablets) increases for companies with high staff.

[Source: Dimensional Research]

13. 92.25% of Workers in the Education Industry Use BYOD for Work.

This proves that some industries accept technologies faster than others. The educational sector requires extensive research, and using a policy that guarantees flexible analysis should be fine.

[Source: Cisco]

14. 82% of Employees Believe that Smartphones Play a Significant Role in Business.

This study suggests that using smartphones as a BYOD alternative increases employee and employer job satisfaction. As the user’s Smartphone could be more updated to their taste, tasks can be performed comfortably.

[Source: IBM]

15. 44% of Companies in Developed Markets Agree that BYOD may Help Boost Employee Morale and Productivity.

Some benefits of BYOD are productivity, cost-effectiveness, and general employee satisfaction. These developed markets have understood the benefits and authorized their residing work industries.

[Source: Workspot, Retailwire, and TechRepublic]

BYOD Usefulness: Employer’s Stance Based On Statistics

16. Smartphones Increase Productivity in Organizations by 34%.

CEOs of firms these days agree that the Smartphone has been highly efficient for most of their business deals. First, there’s the confidence boost it renders to employees seeing they can operate their phones more than other devices.

[Source: Samsung Insights]

17. 30% of BYOD Employees Check Work Emails Before the Official Work Time.

Between 6 am to 8 am, when work usually commences, information about the day must have been distributed in several work settings. With BYOD, there’s no lost time, and employers understand this.

[Source: ITProPortal]

18. Just 17% of All Enterprises Give Mobile Devices to All Employees.

Most organizations only provide mobile phones to their employees.

Although in some organizations, BYOD is necessary as they prefer employees to bring in their mobile devices, some need more resources or consider it optional. Going by this, about 83% of all enterprises do not consider BYOD a necessity for enterprises to provide to all employees.

[Source: Samsung]

19. 61% of Business Owners Say Enhanced Mobility is the Top Feature of BYOD.

Business owners want to make money and grow their companies to be the best. However, there is one factor 61% of them agree on for their desires to be fulfilled. Their employees can be actively mobile using the BYOD policy. Employee satisfaction comes second with 56% agreement and increased productivity at 55%.

[Source: Crowd Research]

20. Over 80% of People Vote for Remote Working as a More Productive Work Type.

Usually, the ideology of companies operating full-time on-site jobs is that distractions exist at home more than in offices. However, BYOD stats say that employees who work from home utilize time management tools to stay more productive.

[Source: Intuition]

21. 37% of Workers Will Change Their Current Job to Another Opening With Part-time Work Conditions.

The perk of working from your devices outside of the work area is what most employees want from the BYOD movement. Some businesses offer this advantage. However, it is different from the module of others to grant such offers.

[Source: Gallup]

22. Over 80% of Businesses are Fueling the BYOD Trend.

BYOD was effective as a policy for remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic. As companies are beginning to return to standard work settings, staff members can still use their devices without sharing general office equipment.

80% is a considerable sum, showing that more than half of global organizations are on board.

[Source: Mordor Intelligence]

23. The Middle East’s Adoption of the BYOD Practice is About 80%.

The middle east, which comprises the Levant, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula, has taken the adoption of the BYOD practice seriously. It is evident due to the frequent wars. Employers are more inclined to apply remote practices and encourage helpful technologies.

[Source: ForwardEdge]

24. 75% of High-growth Market Workers Demonstrate a Higher Propensity to BYOD.

High-growth markets such as Brazil, Russia, India, and the United Arab Emirates have 75% of workers showing great interest in BYOD policies. This demonstration influences other nations yet to adopt the practice and fuels the prevalence of BYOD in various industries.

[Source: Logicalis]

BYOD Company Policy Statistics

When there is no regulation, the order of things is taken for granted. Principles are essential to prevent security risks regarding bring-your-own-device official policies.

Here are some statistics based on BYOD policies.

25. Only 25% of Organizations have the Provision of Support in Their BYOD Policy.

According to this report, 25% provide support through their I.T. staff unofficially. 26% only support company-approved devices, while 22% fully support their employees (BYOD or EPD). The remaining 27% have no established BYOD policy.

[Source: Cybersecurity Insiders]

Approximately 39% of companies have a legal BYOD policy, leaving 61% without specific regulations. This absence of a policy poses security risks to organizations.

[Source: Trustlook]

27. The I.T. Department is Responsible for BYOD Policy in 69% of Organizations.

In 69% of organizations, the responsibility for creating and managing BYOD policies lies with the I.T. department, making it a crucial factor in policy development. The security team is the second most preferred department for handling BYOD-related issues.

Surprisingly, almost half of all employees use their devices at their discretion without receiving formal instructions for BYOD in the workplace. This lack of guidance can lead to security vulnerabilities.

[Source: Crowd Research]

28. 89% of Organizations with BYOD Policies Pay Their Employees.

These payment agreements are in stipends and are available in cases where the business devices provided cannot work efficiently. The stipends can be up to $36 monthly based on work hours.

[Source: Samsung Business Insights]

29. Over 50% of Company Employees have not Received any BYOD Instructions.

It’s possible to find security risks in organizations that have shared policies. Due to ignorance, sites could be breached, and complications with the company’s data are inevitable. However, the BYOD movement offers more when monitored effectively.

[Source: Trustlook]

This section revolves around how the BYOD policy generates finance as an industry of its own. Also, the cost-effectiveness of the system to employers, the economic effects on employees, and, subsequently, the workforce are summarized under these facts.

30. Expert Prediction Says that the BYOD Market and Enterprise Mobility Will Reach $157.3 Billion by 2026.

The BYOD market expects a 16.7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2022 and 2026. The value of devices alone is already increasing, and within the prediction timeframe, around $82.4 billion is expected to be channeled into enterprise mobility.

[Source: Help Net Security]

31. BYOD Generates an Average of $350 Yearly Per Mobile Employee.

By implementing BYOD policies, there are certain benefits companies, and employees get. The estimated value of $350 each year indicates the financial advantages gained using the policy.

[Source: Cisco]

32. With the Integration of BYOD, the MDM Market is Projected to Reach $7.96 Billion by 2023.

MDM, which stands for Mobile Device Management, combines corporate policies, apps, and certificates. It is used for managing devices in a work environment so they don’t overload incoming data.

Usually, the BYOD policy works in sync with an effective MDM. As such, both markets will likely grow at the same pace.

[Source: BusinessWire]

33. Companies have an 11% Saving Advantage Switching from EPD to BYOD.

EPD, Employer-provided devices, are often regulated by the company. According to research insights, some companies spend about $700 yearly settling EPD needs. On the other hand, BYOD companies spend less than $600, with a difference of almost 11%. Following the benefits BYOD offers, the switch would be a recommended move.

[Source: Samsung Insights]

34. The Average BYOD Worker Could Spend $965 on Their Device.

For companies who don’t foot the bills of their worker’s devices, employees can spend over $900 on their device management. Also, these devices are bound to be changed for newer models. This is entirely up to the individual and their budget.

[Source: Cisco]

BOYD Adoption Roadblocks: Barriers and Challenges to Overcome

Below are stats on the challenges impeding the widespread adoption of Bring Your Device (BYOD) in workplaces.

35. Security Concerns were Identified as the Primary Barrier to BYOD Adoption by 39% of Companies.

According to recent surveys, security concerns have emerged as the leading obstacle hindering the adoption of Bring Your Device (BYOD) as an official policy. An alarming percentage of companies express apprehension regarding the potential risks associated with BYOD implementation.

These concerns primarily revolve around the vulnerability of sensitive company data and the potential for data breaches and unauthorized access. The study’s significant discovery regarding BYOD and mobile security unveiled that security (39%) and employee privacy (12%) are the primary factors impeding the widespread acceptance of BYOD.

Conversely, management opposition (3%) and user experience concerns (4%) hold relatively lower positions in the list of inhibiting factors.

The report shows that 48% of organizations are still determining if their employees’ devices have connected to malicious Wi-Fi. In comparison, 24% of the organizations confirmed that they had encountered the situation.

[Source: Crowd Research]

36. 14% of Companies Embrace Mobile Security Apps for their Employees.

Most companies lack a designated mobile security app they recommend their employees install. According to the Trustlook survey, these companies need to be more concerned or leave it up to the employee to sort out the required security app.

According to recent findings, 14% of companies have designated a preferred mobile security app for their employees. This indicates a relatively low adoption rate of comprehensive mobile security measures across organizations.

[Source: Trustlook]

37. Data Leakage, Unauthorized Access, and Device Loss Worry 72% of Companies.

A recent study by Crowd Research reveals that data leakage/loss is the foremost security concern for 72% of companies regarding BYOD. Additionally, unauthorized access to company data worries 56% of organizations, while concerns over employees downloading unsafe apps or content stand at 54%. Stolen or lost devices also pose an acknowledged issue for companies.

[Source: Crowd Research]

38. 23% of I.T. Theft is Carried Out at the Office.

A startling revelation emerges from recent data, indicating that employees perpetrate 34% of theft incidents, prompting employers to pause and reflect on their security measures, leading them to consider implementing network monitoring solutions to mitigate such risks. Surprisingly, theft of company-owned devices is as concerning as theft related to transportation, accounting for 25% of incidents.

Given these alarming statistics, companies must prioritize data protection in Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD). Seeking the most common BYOD software for data protection becomes a pressing concern for organizations aiming to safeguard their sensitive information.

[Source: Kensington]

39. 56% of BYOD Companies Use Remote Wipe Precautions as Security Measures.

About 50% use device encryption, while others use anti-malware or anti-viral software. Some companies still do not protect their access in any way, which often causes severe breaches in their system.

[Source: Bitglass]

40. A $1.5 Million Fine was Paid for an Employee’s Stolen Laptop.

This particular fact is one disadvantage of BYOD. In cases where personal devices used for work are stolen, it could complicate issues for the company. Private data can risk publicity depending on the company’s niche, and repercussions will follow.

[Source: Paubox]


So, the facts in this article on BYOD policy prove that advantages and disadvantages exist in every field. Regardless, the policy is prevalent in workplaces, and there’s no stopping it. However, some companies would want their employees to differentiate between work and personal life. Considering security risks, the company’s stance should be respected.


Are there any legal considerations associated with BYOD?

How can organizations ensure data security in a BYOD environment?

What is the future outlook for BYOD?

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