Mumbai Indians announced the end of Rohit Sharma’s captaincy era, spanning 11 seasons and witnessing the team’s rise as one of the strongest contenders in the IPL. The decision came after Hardik Pandya’s return to the franchise, marking a high-profile trade from Gujarat Titans. As the news circulated, Ritika Sajdeh, Rohit Sharma’s wife, took to social media to express her sentiments. Interestingly, her first reaction came in response to a post from Chennai Super Kings (CSK), Mumbai Indians’ perennial rivals. CSK’s Instagram post paying tribute to Rohit Sharma’s decade-long captaincy garnered Ritika’s attention. CSK’s post read, “2013 – 2023: A decade of spirited challenge! Much respect, Rohit!” Ritika responded with a yellow heart emoji, a color synonymous with Chennai Super Kings. This subtle gesture fueled speculation about a potential CSK connection or perhaps a nod to the longstanding rivalry between the two franchises.
Ritika Sajdeh(Rohit Sharma’s wife) has reacted to CSKs post with an Yellow heart. She dint react or even like any of Mumbai’s post about Hardik or Rohit.
— ______ Das (@SergioCSKK) December 16, 2023
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Mumbai Indians’ Farewell to Rohit Sharma
Mumbai Indians bid a heartfelt farewell to Rohit Sharma on their official social media platforms. The post highlighted Rohit’s leadership journey, acknowledging the six trophies and a decade of unwavering commitment. The franchise expressed gratitude for Rohit’s exceptional leadership since 2013, leaving an indelible mark in Blue & Gold.
CSK’s Tribute Video and Ritika’s Reaction
Chennai Super Kings, in a poignant tribute video, celebrated Rohit Sharma’s captaincy legacy. The video showcased key moments from his tenure, emphasizing the spirited challenges faced by the Mumbai Indians. Ritika’s response to this emotional tribute was conveyed through a yellow heart emoji, once again raising eyebrows about the unexpected connection between the Sajdeh-Sharma duo and CSK.
Hardik Pandya’s Captaincy and Rohit’s Sporting Spirit
Hardik Pandya’s appointment as the new Mumbai Indians captain for the upcoming IPL season marked a significant shift. Reports suggest that Hardik proposed this condition before rejoining the team, and Rohit Sharma, aware of the development, agreed to play under the star all-rounder in IPL 2024.
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